Name Change
Well I figured I’m more of a geek than a nerd… so I changed the blog name to Tales from a geek… I will still rant from time to time… but that time is becoming less and less… I’ve lost close to 30 pounds over the summer and started to work out more to keep it off and loose some more… Also trying to build up some muscle too… Anywho my next big project is converting the brakes on the mustang… they are ordered and FedEx has them on a truck… should be here Thursday or Friday… I have a friend coming over tonight to help take off the old drum brakes so he can refurb the spindles and knuckles at his shop… I would drive it over there, but the whole no stopping thing is why I’m redoing it… Wish us luck!
Finals… again…
well summer classes are coming to a close, and that means finals once again… even though it is only two classes I don’t like have 4 projects due… you would think in summer they would drop one of them since you have half the time to work on it… but alas I guess they don’t care… whats worse is that some of the projects are so vague that you don’t even know what it is supposed to look like… oh well… after this week I can actually sleep again… weee
Happy 4th of July
Happy 4th of July everyone… Hope you all are having fun and not doing stupid things with fireworks… If you are an IT support guy I have the funny video for you… I’ts been around a while and I just haven’t posted it… It has some adult language and is NSFWish its great…
Sigh… I hate to stock market sometimes
Well it may have been my fault but I had my house downpayment money in my IRA.. I had gotten it close to 10k and in one week it dropped to under 9k yay me… I’ve started working on the wedding website some more getting the layout finalised and backend written for the guestbook and RSVP system… I still have to go and set up the registries with my other 2/3rds but we haven’t had the time to do it… so hopefully we can do it soon….
I have also been working on my hosting website… got the basic packages set up for purchase… Basic, Blog Basic, and Silver still have gold and dedicated left… Tested taylors with the blog basic last night and for some reason it broke PHP for just his site… so I had to go through and update PHP and that took till 2:45AM only to turn around and wake up at 6:30 to go to work… I gotta stop doing this to myself… oh well… at least it somewhat works now…
Finals are finally over
I know it has been a while since my last posting, but I have been busy prepping for finals and other projects. One of my projects is the website for the wedding… Right now I am developing the RSVP backend so that people can RSVP online saving us money and saving paper. It will also help track guest numbers for more instant feedback. I did this with my brother’s site and it seemed to go over well, so I am improving the process by adding a unique registration code based off two parts of the information for the guest. With this code, they will RSVP making sure all their information is correct, if they are attending, and if so how many. This will also help with addressing the thank you cards to send back. As of right now I have the creation of the regcode and saving the information into the database working, but grabbing it back out to display isn’t working all that great. I know the SQL is correct, but the PHP is giving issue in not passing the variables… one more thing to do this week I guess…