SOCI paper
Chapter 3 Homework Question #2
This question gave me the idea of asking females the following question; Why in the women subculture, do you feel the need to usually go in groups of two or more to any one location? I asked this question to approx. six females, including my girlfriend and members of a message board that I frequent. I got several different answers; some were obvious while others were against the norm. I chose this topic because as a guy, I often wonder about the premise behind this practice among the subculture of women in general. In the process I did notice that it crosses multiple subcultures, and age groups so I can only apply it to females in general as a subculture. Read the rest of this entry » -
Monday…. gotta love it
yea… its monday… hard to get out of bed… legs not wanting to move…. yea its monday…. but hey… once my legs decide to wake up, I get to go to class woooo right now they are on autopilot, so at least I can do some work… I’m thinking hot dogs for lunch when I get home…. mmmmmmmm then the go to the YMCA to workout, then dinner, then homework, then class…. yay