Finals are finally over
I know it has been a while since my last posting, but I have been busy prepping for finals and other projects. One of my projects is the website for the wedding… Right now I am developing the RSVP backend so that people can RSVP online saving us money and saving paper. It will also help track guest numbers for more instant feedback. I did this with my brother’s site and it seemed to go over well, so I am improving the process by adding a unique registration code based off two parts of the information for the guest. With this code, they will RSVP making sure all their information is correct, if they are attending, and if so how many. This will also help with addressing the thank you cards to send back. As of right now I have the creation of the regcode and saving the information into the database working, but grabbing it back out to display isn’t working all that great. I know the SQL is correct, but the PHP is giving issue in not passing the variables… one more thing to do this week I guess…