So much for life calming down
Well, I guess it still did in a way, but with trying to get class work done before the final, getting stuff done at work, and keeping up with websites, it seems I’m just as busy as ever… Last night the server was down for a bit as I upgraded the memory in anticipation of hosting some more sites, as well as updates that needed to be done. I’m off to do some more work, so until next time…
Server goodies…
Just a little server update… to try and speed it up some, I’ve ordered a better RAID card and the first of a couple harddrive upgrades. The first drive is on its way here.. a 73GB SAS 15.5K RPM drive that the OS will reside on… right now it is on a SATA 7200 RPM drive that I thought would be good enough… but as more sites are added the spooling time seems to get longer when they invoke .net so hopefully this will help… eventually I will get a 250GB drive to replace the SATA one in there now that is used for storage, then use the old drives for backup or software installer storage… who knows… maybe use it to test out stuff… but hopfully I won’t have any issues ghosting to the new drive…